The Christmas Sweet & Chocolate Bouquet contains nothing but sweet and chocolate Christmas joy! From Festive Jelly Gummy Lollies, to Kit Kat Santa's and Terrys Chocolate Orange Snowballs! It comes in a festive red box with Christmas tissue, and you can add your own personalised Christmas card with range of Christmas designs to choose from. Just hit the 'personalise it' button above!
Each Christmas Sweet & Chocolate Bouquet is made to order by hand, and delivered UK wide. Extra care is taken when packaging these to ensure they arrive in perfect condition.
Please note that some of the hampers contents may change depending on stock and the decorative items in the photo such as the Christmas trees are not included.
Our Christmas Sweet & Chocolate Bouquet contains:
Fizz Wizz Popping Candy Cola 5g
Refresher Packs 34g
Giant Fizzers 40g
Double Dip 19g
Flump 12g
Flump 12g
Bubblegum Strip 25g
Giant Love Hearts 39g
Bonds Candy Cane Fountain 20g
Bonds Candy Cane Fountain 20g
Rainbow Drops 10g
Rainbow Drops 10g
Haribo Starmix Treat Bag 16g
Haribo Tangfastics Treat Bag 16g
Haribo Supermix Treat Bag 16g
Candy Realms Festive Gummy Pops 22g
Candy Realms Festive Gummy Pops 22g
Rowntree's Randoms Festives 130g
Refresher Lemon Chew Bar 18g
Dairy Milk
Reeses Peanut Butter Trees 68g
Galaxy Caramel
Galaxy Cookie Crumble
Kit Kat Santa Milk Chocolate Bar 29g
Kit Kat Santa Milk Chocolate Bar 29g
Cadbury Dairy Milk Mini Snowballs Bar 110g
Aero Bubbles Candy Cane Bag 70g
Terry's Chocolate Orange Snowballs 70g