We've created a very special Valentines Chocolate Bouquet containing a combination of luxury chocolate and retro classics for a special valentines gift.
Our Valentines Chocolate Bouquet is presented in a vibrant and eye-catching red bouquet style box, complete with stunning red tissue and an elegant white bow on the front. But that's not all - we know that everyone has their own unique style, which is why we give you the option to choose from a range of different box and bow colours to make your gift truly personalised. And with a free, fully customisable gift card complete with an array of valentines inspired designs to choose from, you can truly make this gift your own.
Please note that some of the contents may change depending on stock, but this is rare and we will always replace with equivalent or higher value item.
An example Valentines Chocolate Bouquet contains:
Kinder Bueno Bar x2
Kinder Bueno Hazelnut Bar x2
Ferrero Rocher 3 Pack x2
Bounty x2
Chocolate Rose x2
Galaxy Caramel x2
Kinder Happy Hippo Hazelnut 5 Pack
Assorted Lindt Chocolate Box
Milky Way Magic Stars Milk Chocolate Bag 33g x2
Cadbury Caramel - Large Bar