The 1980s was a decade of decadence. Perms, Rubik's Cube, shoulder pads, leg warmers and cassette players were all the rage, whilst New Wave, Hip Hop and Hair Metal ruled the airwaves. A classic era for film and television, two cockney lads from Peckham first hit our TV screens in 1981, millionaires from Dallas gave us a dramatic glimpse into life across the pond, whilst ET phoned home in 1982. But what about the sweet treats and chocolates which defined this decadent decade

Those who grew up during this time were treated to a raft of delicious retro sweets, chocolate and candy, many of which remain favourites to this day. And if you’re feeling nostalgic for a taste of the 1980s, retro sweets could be the answer to your prayers. Check out our range of 80s sweets while you're here!
The team at the Sweet Hamper Company have delved back into the past to discover the top flavours which graced the shelves of sweet shops forty years ago. In this blog, we’ve collated our favourites, to give you a serious taste of nostalgia and take you back down memory lane. Some of the sweets featured in this article can even be found in our retro sweet hampers, sweet boxes and other sweet gifts, so if you fancy a taste of the 1980s, make sure you check out our range!
Combining wafer, fondant, rice krispie, caramel and milk chocolate, as the name suggests, this chocolate bar contained five different components to create this mouthwatering chocolate bar. Sadly it was discontinued in 1989, but kids of the 1980s still long for its scrumptious flavour.
Discontinued in the 1990s, this chocolate bar was filled with a creamy mouse centre, similar to a Walnut Whip. This chocolate is much missed by fans in the UK - so much so that there has been a number of petitions to bring it back… we’re still waiting!
You couldn’t get a sweet much more synonymous with the 80s than the tangy Wham bar. The original flavour featured tangy raspberry with pieces of sherbet inside. Wham bars are still available today, and can be found inside our retro sweet hampers, and at the height of their popularity over 30 million of them were sold every year! There’s no way these sweets are ‘Go-Go’ing anywhere, get it?!
This bubbly dairy milk creation from Cadbury originally hit UK shelves back in 1981. Although it was discontinued in the early 2000s, by 2008 it was relaunched permanently thanks to its popularity. Another classic which can be found in our retro sweet hamper ranges.
Believe it or not, we’ve been enjoying these tiny candies since 1983. Originally produced in America, it wasn’t long until boxes of Nerds hit sweet shops in the UK and are still available to this very day. The range of flavours include Strawberry & Grape, and Wild Cherry & Watermelon. You can find these beauties in most of our American Sweet Hampers.

You’ll find loads of nostalgic flavours throughout our retro sweets range, including retro sweet hampers, retro chocolate bouquets and retro sweet boxes. And if the 1980s isn’t your bag, we also have retro sweets from the 1970s and 1990s - ensuring that there is something for everyone!